Portfolio > A Parallel Universe

 A painting trying to show the ideological walls being put up, by John Kaufmann.
acrylic on canvas

"Walls" 30"x22" Acrylic on canvas, by John Kaufmann.
There are many types of walls, both physical and ideological.
It can be a simple pile of dirt or a grand symbol of power.
They can protect or intimidate. Many are used to divide something or someone.
A wall can be used to hide behind or to be put in front of.
They can keep people out and they can keep people in.
Any degree of American greatness has always been because of it's diversity. Our historic policy of welcoming people of the world should not be reversed. Intolerance and violence are being condoned.
To divide and conquer is an old ploy that still works. We must not make ourselves our own enemy.